| Vladimir Davidovich BARANOV-ROSSINÉ 1888 — 1944Володимир БАРАНОВ-РОССІНЕ • Владимир Давидович БАРАНОВ-РОССИНЕBorn 1888 in Kherson, Ukraine Baranov-Rossine (Baranoff Rossine) has studied at the Art School in Odessa (1902-1903), and at the St.Petersburg Academy of Arts (1903-1907). In 1910 he has moved to Paris where he exhibited in the Salon of Independents (1913-1914), where he took on the pseudonym Daniel Rossiné. His work was noticed by G. Apolliner and A. Salmon. During 1915-1917 the artist lived in Norway. His first personal exhibition was staged in Oslo, or Christiania as it was called then, in the years of World War I. It was in Oslo that Rossine introduced his color music, which he said had been inspired by symbolists and the composer Alexander Skryabin.. After returning to Russian he organized a studio in 1918 in Petrograd and has taken part in the avant-garde movement. From this time he started signing his paintings with a double-name Baranov- Rossiné. The artist participated in the following exhibitions: the Wreath", Moscow, 1907-1908; "Link", Kyiv (Kiev), 1909; " Wreath-Stephanos", St. Petersburg and Kherson, 1909; " The Art Bureau of N.E. Dobychina", Petrograd, 1917, 1918; "The world of Arts", Moscow and Petrograd, 1918; "The First State Free Exhibition of Works of Arts" in the Winter Palace, Petrograd, 1919. developing A.N. Skryabin`s ideas, he created "an optophone"- an instrument whose keys produced not only sound but also color, which was instantly reflected on a screen. Two color-visual concerts were given by him and his wife Pauline Boukour in 1923-1924 at the Meyerhold’s theatre and the Bolshoi Theatre In Moscow.The artist created “Optophone” (colorist piano) and composed color-music. He has given two color-music concerts in the Theatre of V.Meyerkhold (1923) and in the Bolshoi Theatre (1924) in Moscow. Exhibited at the " Erste Russische Kunstausstellung " gallery Van Dienan in Berlin in 1922. On his way to abstract painting Baranov-Rossiné, his evolution has gone from fauvism trough moderate cubism in late 1910s. Fleeing persecutions at home Baranov-Rossiné emigrated to France in 1925. He exhibited regularly at the Salon des Independants.Participed in Paris International Exhibition of 1937, the Realites Nouvelles Galerie Charpentier in 1939, and the " Exposition des Artistes musicalistes " Prefecture de Limoges, 1939. His life ended tragically in the Nazi concentration camp Osviecim in 1944. Baranov-Rossine`s heritage is kept in St. Petersburg`s Russian Museum, New York`s Museum of Modern Art, Paris` Pompidou Center, and in private collections. |