| Erik BULATOV 1933 — Ерик БУЛАТОВ • Эрик БУЛАТОВErik Bulatov was born in 1933 in Sverdlovsk. Moved to Moscow with his family at the age of three. Studied at Surikov Art Institute, Moscow where he met Robert Falk, Vladimir Favorsky, and Artur Fonvizin. Graduated from the Institute in 1958. Worked as illustrator of children’s books. In the 1960s Bulatov joined Kabakov, Pivovarov, Shteinberg, and Yankilevsky in forming the Sretensky Boulevard Group. Bulatov’s paintings depict large, bright slogans in Russian and English, often in red letters. These phrases are painted across idyllic landscapes or scenes from everyday Soviet life. First exhibited in the West in 1970s. The artist lives in Paris. |